Indian Residential Schools in the IRSSA


The Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) listed 130 schools for Indigenous children when it was approved in March 2007. Nine schools had been added by the time the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRCC) published its final report in December 2015.

The IRSSA list presents a number of challenges for researchers, which the TRCC has described and worked to overcome. In the end, the TRCC identified 143 Indian Residential Schools, based on the IRSSA list, in Volume 4, Appendix 1.1 of its final report.1 1 Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (2015): Appendix 1.1: Residential schools and residences included in the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, Canada's residential schools (volume 4): Missing children and unmarked burials, 141-149.

Though the TRCC's work is available in various digital formats (PDF, DOC, DAISY), none makes it easy to access data embedded in the report, such as the identifying data about Indian Residential Schools embedded in Appendix 1.1.

Guided by the Linked Open Data initiative,2 2 Tim Berners-Lee (2009): Linked data. we have taken three steps to begin to address this problem:

  1. converting the information in Appendix 1.1 to machine-readable structured data
  2. storing these data in a non-proprietary file format (TSV), and
  3. publishing these data with an open license (CC BY-SA 4.0)3 3 Creative Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Variable Definition
ID Unique Identifer: "SCHOOL-" plus a three-digit suffix ("001" to "143"), per the alphabetical ordering of schools in Appendix 1.1
PROVINCE_TERRITORY Province or territory
LOCATION Town or city
NAME The name by which the school was most commonly known
OTHER_NAMES Other names by which the school was known
AFFILIATION_1 Religious affiliation (initial)
AFFILIATION_2 Religious affiliation (second)
AFFILIATION_3 Religious affiliation (third)
OPENING_1_YEAR Year the school (initially) opened
OPENING_1_ENDNOTE Endnote number for opening date
OPENING__1_CITATION Citation for opening date
CLOSING_1_YEAR Year the school (initially) closed
CLOSING_1_ENDNOTE Endnote number for closing date
CLOSING_1_CITATION Citation for closing date
OPENING_2_YEAR Year the school re-opened
OPENING_2_ENDNOTE Endnote number for opening date
OPENING_2_CITATION Citation for opening date
CLOSING_2_YEAR Year the school finally closed
CLOSING_2_ENDNOTE Endnote number for closing date
CLOSING_2_CITATION Citation for closing date